Local Directions

  • Grand Rapids:
    Take M-37 25 miles south of Woodland Mall. Turn left on Irving Road and proceed 1/4 mile to campground on the right.
  • Hastings Road:
    Go 4 miles northwest on M-37 North to Irving Road, turn right and proceed 1/4 mile to campground on the right.
  • Middleville:
    Go southeast 7 miles to Irving road, turn left on Irving Road and proceed 1/4 mile to campground on the right.
  • Lansing:
    Take M-43 West through Grand Ledge to Hastings. Turn right on M-37 North. Go 2 miles and turn right on Irving Road, proceed 1/4 mile to campground on the right.
  • Kalamazoo:
    Take US-131 North to Hastings exit. Proceed approximately 20 miles to Yankee Springs Road (4 way stop.) Turn left 1 & 1/2 miles to Shaw Lake Road. Turn right, then another quick right onto M-37. Proceed past Expo Center to Irving Road. Turn left on Irving road and proceed 1/4 mile to campground on the right.
Mileage from Hastings
Location Mileage
Battle Creek, MI 26 miles
Chicago, Il 190 miles
Detroit, MI 135 miles
Frankfurt, Germany 4,230 miles
Grand Rapids, MI 38.1 miles
Hickory Corners, MI 20.1 miles
Holland, MI 54.6 miles
Homer, AK 3,980 miles
Lansing, MI 49.1 miles
Toledo, OH 157 miles

Our GPS Coordinates

DM: 42° 40.593557959908′
DMS: 42° 40′ 35.6134775944781″

DM: -85° 22.9932546615601′
DMS: -85° 22′ 59.5952796936035″